YuJa’s mobile video capabilities include both HTML5 players and native apps to watch, record, upload and download content.
YuJa automatically optimizes your video for effective replay on desktop, tablet and mobile devices. Our mobile solution supports multiple simultaneous video and media source to create an engaging video experience.
Widely recognized as one of the fastest growing universities within the state of Tennessee, Austin Peay State University’s adoption of the Video Platform will provide students and faculty with campus-wide media streaming capabilities and an accessible closed-captioning solution.
Read the case studyWe offer highly-optimized HTML5 Video Players designed to work across device types and browser versions. YuJa offers HTML5-based Media Players designed with phones and tablets in mind. Our Media Players offer responsive design, adaptive bitrate streaming, network-sensing technology, and interactive capabilities.
Users can download the YuJa native mobile and tablet applications from the Apple and Android App Stores to upload, playback, or download media for offline review.
iOS and Android users can download videos and other content for uninterrupted offline viewing. Students with limited access or an unreliable internet connection can download their course videos and watch them any time from any device.
In addition to accessing and watching videos in the YuJa Mobile App, users can open hyperlinks and access a variety of documents and media from Excel spreadsheets to Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and more, giving them full access to their media on the go.
An in-app support page provides students with the support they need for YuJa’s suite of ed-tech solutions, whether it’s to access product documentation, submit an email support ticket, or take advantage of the 24-7 total user support with a call – all in one place.