Ensure exam integrity with test proctoring software that enables automated and live online proctoring integrated directly within your current LMS and Single Sign-On tools.
Reports show instructors how students approach tests, how long it takes to complete, and provide other session details within your LMS.
With YuJa Verity Live Proctoring, institutions can designate test proctors to monitor student test sessions in real-time. This helps prevent cheating, unauthorized assistance, and other academic misconduct. Live proctoring can be switched on or off for each test, enabling the instructor to decide the appropriate level of security for each test.
YuJa Verity Lock Down Proctoring provides a custom browser that locks down a student’s test environment within the institution’s LMS. Instructors can decide if they want to allow more than one screen, disable opening new tabs or copying text to the clipboard, and close open tabs during a test among other test options.
YuJa Verity provides real-time reporting on institutional academic integrity, and provides detailed course-level reporting of individual testing results including test-taking behaviors and patterns.
YuJa Verity can be enabled for third-party exams embedded as external tools within the LMS. This enables instructors to create quizzes and assignments outside of the LMS and still use YuJa Verity’s monitoring capabilities to record student assessments. YuJa Verity also supports third-party assessments through Verity Lockdown App and Live Proctoring.
Our Verity support team is available to help. Students can access support guides or connect with the dedicated team through a support ticket, by email, or by calling our toll-free number for immediate assistance.