YuJa Engage provides direct LTI integration between the student response system and your institution’s LMS, enabling instructors to seamlessly create and publish polls and surveys to their desired courses directly from the LMS. Engage works with all major LMSs, including Blackboard, Canvas, D2L Brightspace, and Moodle.
With YuJa Engage LMS integration, polls can be created and published directly to desired courses and viewed by admins, instructors, and students. Participants don’t need to navigate between systems, which creates a more unified and efficient experience for all.
YuJa Engage has a secure integration directly within the LMS environment, which enables instructors to create polls within the LMS. Instructors can add or adjust poll questions based on received responses and export grades to their gradebook, all from a single location.
Once YuJa Engage has been integrated with your institution’s LMS, instructors and students can create or take interactive quizzes and polls from any device – mobile phone, desktop, or laptop.