According to a study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, findings suggest that students in a traditional lecture course are 1.5 times more likely to fail, compared to students in courses that promote active learning. Students in active learning classes also outperform those in traditional lectures taking identical exams.
To power this model, YuJa provides video capture and integrated social tools that enable students to tailor their learning path to reflect their strengths and interests.
Discover Ways the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform Promotes Active Learning in a Remote Learning Environment
1. A Flipped Classroom Environment
With YuJa’s flipped classroom software, instructors can record their video and voice alongside slides, documents and screen captures. Users can also create video tutorials, pre-recorded lessons and clarifications. Our cloud-based architecture enables us to instantly scale from small group collaborations to large-scale lectures and webinars.

2. Real-Time Whiteboards
YuJa’s real-time whiteboard enables participants to draw and annotate within a live Video Conference session ideal for one-on-one office hours, small group collaborations, and large-scale video conferencing. Content of any sort added to the Whiteboard appears instantly and helps facilitate synchronous group collaboration, adds visual interest to video learning, provides an essential way to share and annotate, and encourages small group participation.
3. In-Video Quizzing and Commenting
The Video Platform offers interactive assessment capabilities within the video experience including creating video quizzes, inserting related documents, and making interactive comments.
Liven up your video quizzes by combining video quizzes with instructive in-video prompts and time-based supplementation information. Quizzes can contain questions a variety of types including ungraded group polls, multiple-choice, true-false questions, short-answer, reflective-pause and multiple-select questions.

4. Interactive Video Conferencing
With the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform, instructors can split Video Conference meetings into separate Breakout room sessions. Choose how you can split the participants of the meeting into separate sessions automatically or manually at any time.
Video Conference participants can also perform a Virtual Hand Raise within a meeting to make a request, ask a question, or indicate any confusion to the Meeting owner without un-muting their microphone.
Related Article: #COVID-19: How Instructors are Using the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform for Remote Learning