Make your videos more accessible to non-native English speakers by using the power of AI to auto-generate audio tracks in 10+ languages.
With the power of AI, there’s no need for manual intervention in the audio dubbing process, which increases efficiency while fostering inclusivity and improving comprehension. To create multi-language audio dubbing, users simply select one or more languages, request dubbing, and access completed tracks in YuJa Video Platform.
“No matter the type of student – traditional or nontraditional, in person or online – we’ve had really positive experiences with our interactions.”
Read the case studyGenerative AI audio dubbing offers robust captioning capabilities in numerous languages alongside seamless, high-quality multilingual audio dubbing, giving learners both auditory and visual reinforcements they need to comprehend educational content.
Audio descriptions provide context within a video by describing what is on the screen that’s not spoken. YuJa supports the addition of an audio description track that can be made available as an alternate track, and the HTML5 Media Player provides built-in capabilities to add separate, user-enabled audio description tags to a video.
Give students the option to toggle between languages and select which they need in each circumstance, fostering a personalized learning experience. Students can select from any available language without missing a beat.