The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is the leading video solution for the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System.
Bring lecture capture capabilities and video content management to your D2l Brightspace users by integrating D2L Brightspace with the YuJa Enterprise Video Platform.
Host your video and digital media content securely
Upload content effortlessly with one-click “drop” uploads
Deliver video globally across firewalls with adaptive bitrate streaming
We provide both native and HTML5 video player support
Track user engagement with detailed analytics capabilities
Align the experience to match your organization’s brand
Built-in automatic captioning and one-click access to 3rd-party captioning services
Create engaging and interactive video quizzes to measure and track retention
The YuJa Video Platform has enhanced teaching at the University of Calgary with features such as auto captioning and the addition of different languages to captioning, along with the ability to do simple editing and add indexes or chapters — all of which can help instructors facilitate learning and support diverse learners.
Read the case studyThe Media Chooser makes all appropriate media content available to your users. The content owners can embed content directly into any course. Content is fully searchable – including tags, slide contents, and captioning.
The Video Platform’s Quizzes suite includes both an LTI Gradebook and native LMS-specific integration that is compatible with all major Learning Management Systems, including D2L Brightspace.
Our unique Visual Search capabilities means D2L Brightspace users can search-inside videos for specific topics within the captions, slides, tags, notes and captions.
When your D2L Brightspace users are watching content, the LTI-based integration and the HTML5 Media Player mean there is no need for users to leave D2L Brightspace to access course video content.
In efforts to improve student learning outcome across the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), Jennifer Ferguson and her team sought to procure an enterprise video product that provides solutions for a variety of use cases – such as a Video Content Management System (CMS) to oversee video training channels for faculty and staff.
Read the case studyYuJa enables instructors to embed video into course content directly in D2L Brightspace, making it easier than ever to integrate and manage video content.
YuJa Media Chooser in D2L Brightspace allows instructors to seamlessly embed video in courses, quizzes and other instructional material.
YuJa’s video quizzing capabilities directly integrate into the D2L Brightspace course’s Grace Center for gradebook integration. This makes it simple for instructors to get insightful real-time feedback and outcome analytics.
Instructors can request students submit a video as part of an assignment. Using the Media Chooser, students can embed a video submission so it appears directly in the LMS, making it convenient for instructors to view and grade.
With the HTML5 Media Player, users can access course video content from directly within the D2L Brightspace interface.
Deep Visual Search capabilities enable search-inside-video for keywords in everything from captions to slides, tags, notes and captions.
The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform offers deep integration into the D2L Brightspace Learning Management System (LMS) by providing fully-integrated lecture capture, flipped classroom tools, video management and streaming, video quizzing and more.